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“Deep in the heart of each of us is a longing to know the answer to the questions, ‘God, are You really there? What do You think of me? Can I really know You?’ In this book, Daniel will take you on a journey to find the answer to these questions. And the answers are better than you could ever hope! The story he invites you into is true to the gospel, engaging, and personal. You'll be glad you took him up on his invitation to journey toward the heart of God.”
Scott ArbeiterPresident of World Relief
“I found #Gospel incredibly engaging. It is a well-written interaction over the meaning of the Gospel from the book of Romans, applied with real-life stories and illustrations. You will enjoy this book!
Barry WisslerPresident of HarvestNET International
Have you ever wanted to see the deeper concepts and themes of the Gospel laid out in today's language? How about clear examples and analogies that are applicable to the culture today? #Gospel spells out the Good News of Jesus, walking its readers through Romans with ease and excitement. It masterfully balances and explains the hard-to-grasp concepts. I'd encourage both seekers and believers to open this book. It's for anyone wanting to see the facts, validity, and relevance found in the Gospel message. Daniel doesn't leave questions unanswered as he points us to the main answer Himself: Jesus Christ.
Joel BombergerCircuit Riders Evangelist
In a culture where words like gospel are rapidly losing their meaning, Daniel gives us a loving and thoughtful reminder that the Gospel of Jesus is anything but meaningless. It is the story the one that binds all the rest of them together.
Andrew PetersonAuthor of The Wingfeather Saga, Singer, Songwriter
The beauty, the power, and the simplicity of the Gospel knows no cultural bounds. Wherever it reaches around the world, it is a beacon of light, and it redeems those who are broken beyond human repair. Daniel takes us to the heart-to the truth of stories about people who experience unbelievable suffering and yet find hope. This book paints a picture of the power of the Gospel.
Anne BeilerFounder of Auntie Anne's Pretzels